Film Industry Overview
Have you listed in New Hampshire’s Reel-Scout directory?
The NH Film Office provides Crew and Support Service recommendations from our Reel-Scout directory to inquiring productions looking to film in the state. If you have film experience working as crew in any capacity, create your free listing in Reel-Scout and leverage your experience.
Click here to view a list of Crew categories.
Click here to create your Reel-Scout listing.
New England Provision
Live outside New Hampshire but willing to travel? Qualified residents of VT, ME, and MA who have credited experience can register for a free listing in New Hampshire’s Crew & Support Services Directory.
Can your business support filmmaking?
Whether you’re a local caterer, hair/makeup professional, transportation service, hotel or motel, etc. – filmmakers shooting in New Hampshire need an active network of local services to streamline the production process. Click here to view a list of Support Service categories.
List Your Property as a Film Location
Residential or commercial property owners can list their property or business in our Film Locations Database for use in future commercial or independent productions. Filmmakers need sets in all conditions, from grand mansions to abandoned buildings, run-down strip malls, lofty private schools, and everything in between.
Need to update your property listing? Please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to assist.
Locations submitted to New Hampshire’s Film Locations Library are automatically uploaded to LocationsHub, a global locations directory that big studios (think Netflix) use to scout locations.
If you or your business has open internship positions or interest in allowing high school or college students to job shadow, please contact [email protected].