Filming in New Hampshire
Interested in bringing your film, TV, or digital media project to New Hampshire? This resource will answer many of the common questions asked about filming in the state. Need more information? Contact us at [email protected].
Crew & Services Roster
The Film Bureau maintains a directory of industry professionals and service providers.
Getting Listed in the Roster
New Hampshire crew and support services can register for a free account in the directory.
NOTICE: Out-of-State Crew residing within 100 miles of the New Hampshire state border may register for a free account under the New Hampshire Expatriate Provision.
General Filming Permits
There are no general filming permits in New Hampshire. If you have arranged to film on private property, you do not need any additional permits to film. If you need to film on public property, you may need additional documentation. Every city/town handles filming requests differently and we recommend that you contact each town directly for information on permit requirements.
City and Town Clerks
State Parks
The Division of Parks and Recreation requires a Special Use Permit for filming, photography or recording activities intended for commercial use and conducted by commercial or professional filming, photography and recording studios, companies and businesses (PART 7403.01 (h), Parks Administrative Rules. A $100 administrative fee and certificate of insurance is required at the time of application to film on New Hampshire State Park property. There is an additional $100 fee for expedited applications (if application is submitted less than 30 days prior to filming). For an application, contact [email protected].
Find more information on NH state parks at: www.nhstateparks.org.
Roads & Highways
If the road is local (without a route number), you will only need to coordinate the closure with the impacted city or town. If the road has a route number, you will need to submit an Application for a Parade Permit or Other Activity on State Highway System with the Department of Transportation AND coordinate with the city/town. There is no cost to submit the application. Download the application.
State House Grounds
To film on State House Grounds, submit a State House Grounds Special Event Application with the Department of Administrative Services no later than 5 business days prior to the event. There is no cost to submit the application. Please note that any activity on the sidewalk on the east side of the arch facing Main Street or the sidewalks along Capitol and Park Streets will need to be coordinated with the City of Concord. State House interior requests must be directed to and approved by both the offices of the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate. Download the application.
White Mountain National Forest
If the filming is on the summit of Mt. Washington, you will need a Special Use Permit from the Division of Parks for Mt. Washington State Park (see State Parks permits above) in addition to a USDA Forest Service/White Mountain National Forest permit. Please note that the Mt. Washington Auto Road, should you need access, is privately managed. Information at www.mt-washington.com.
Locations outside of Mount Washington but located within the White Mountain National Forest will require a USDA Forest Service/White Mountain National Forest permit.
Filming with Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones)
The Department of Transportation’s Division of Aeronautics, Rail and Transit has information on the use of drones in New Hampshire.
Pyrotechnics information can be found at the Department of Safety, Fireworks Safety and Enforcement Unit website.
Wildlife Impacts
Any filming that could have a potential to impact wildlife should be coordinated through the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Their Public Affairs Division can be reached at 603-271-3211. More at: www.wildlife.state.nh.us.
State-Signed Release Forms
The State considers an approved, issued Special Use Permit to be your legal authority to use state-managed locations and images in your project in perpetuity. The special use permit takes the place, in most instances, of a production company's location agreement or release form. Any contractual agreements beyond the special use permits stated above will need to go through an approval process that will include the impacted agency, the Attorney General's Office, and the Executive Council. Contract agreements with an agency will also require the production company to register with the Secretary of State's Office as a company able to transact business in New Hampshire.
Location Scouts
Need to hire a location scout? Contact us at [email protected] and we can provide you with some names from our Crew & Services Roster.
Location Resources
Check out landscapes and film site locations around the state by browsing our Film Locations Database.
Looking for homes or vacant commercial space to film in? The New England Real Estate Network is a good resource to see what locations are out there. This is not a listing of properties available for filming. However, past projects have inquired with real estate agents and arranged to film with the permission of the property owners.
Youth Employment
There are no laws specific to youth employment and the entertainment industry in New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s laws regarding general youth employment also apply to film and digital media projects. You can read the full text of NH’s Youth Employment Law. Please note that “casual work” is defined as employment that is no more than 3 calendar days for any one employer. You can contact the New Hampshire Department of Labor at 603-271-3176.
Where do I find more information about New Hampshire?
You’ll find everything you need to know about visiting New Hampshire on our website at www.visitnh.gov. However, here are a few links on our site that may be of interest as you plan your project here:
Are there additional contacts in New Hampshire that can assist my project?
Here are some useful contacts:
- Chambers of Commerce
- City and Town Clerks
- New Hampshire Sheriff’s Offices
- State Police Extra Duty Details
Do you have a question that wasn’t addressed here? Please direct film questions to [email protected].
Learn More About Filming in NH

Information on Filming in NH

List Your Property as a Film Location

Film Industry Overview

Register as a Film Crew or Support Service

Reel Scout Login

Funding Opportunities

New Hampshire Filmography